For parents of pupils in Reception, Year 1 & 2
We are writing to invite you to attend our Phonics Meeting.
This meeting will have a number of aims and will hopefully inform you about:
• How we teach phonics in school, the letter sounds and their pronunciation along with the actions for each grapheme (sound)
• The purpose of sound cards and how you can support your child in learning their key words
• The reading books your child will be receiving, our reading scheme and possible activities to complete with the books
There will also be an opportunity for you to ask any questions and to talk to the phonics lead. The meeting is for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 parents only and will last no more than 30 minutes in total.
It will be held in the school hall on
Monday 11th October for Gwenneth Rickus at 8:45am.
Tuesday 12th October on Hawkshead at 8:45am.
Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided.