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We think it is very important that all our pupils benefit from 190 days learning to ensure that he or she makes progress and achieves his or her expected results. We ask you to support the school by ensuring your child achieves excellent attendance.

  • We strongly advise parents not to request holidays during term time. If you have an exceptional reason you may apply in advance, however, permission may not be given and my decision is final.
  • We expect pupils to arrive at school on time, 8.45am. Late arrivals disrupt the education of others and cause embarrassment to your child/children. Pupils arriving after the register has closed will be marked late in the register and minutes late recorded as unauthorised absence.
  • Medical and dental appointments should be made in the holidays or after school unless there are exceptional circumstances.
  • If you or your child is having difficulties that impact on his or her attendance, please make an appointment with a member of staff to discuss how we can help.

Absences of more than eight days in the whole academic year, will drop your child’s attendance to below the expected National Average of 96%. Of course there are exceptional reasons why children are absent from school however occasional days are detrimental to your child’s progress.

Please ensure that you call the school by 8.30am, if your child is going to be absent so that we can note this in the register.

The Education Welfare Service may issue parents with a Formal Warning, an Education Penalty Notice (EPN) or decide to prosecute if your child is persistently absent with 10% or more unauthorised absence over a 16 week period.

If you are issued with an EPN, you risk receiving a fine from Brent Council of £120 if paid within 28 days. This is reduced to £60 if paid within 21 days.

Fines are also issued for unauthorised term time leave to each parent for each absent child. Failure to pay the notice may result in a parent being prosecuted at Willesden Magistrate Court for their child’s non-attendance at school for the period in the notice.

 A copy or our attendance policy and Brent Council’s Non-School Attendance, Education Penalty Notices, Local Code of Conduct is available to read in the school office or on Brent Council’s Website –