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Latest News

Page 9

  • Oral Health News

    Published 22/02/21

    Oral health zoom sessions for children & SEN /families/carers

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  • Year 1 Vision and Hearing Catch up Letter

    Published 22/02/21

    Vison and Hearing Screening is normally offered to children at school when they are aged 4 – 5. Due to the Corona Virus Pandemic we were not able to offer hearing and vision screening in 2020 when your child would have been offered. 

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  • Covid Risk Assessments

    Published 05/01/21

    Leopold Covid 19 Documents/Risk Assessments

    (updated 05/01/20)

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  • Critical Workers Information

    Published 02/01/21

     Important Information for Critical Workers

    (Updated 04/02/21)

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  • Online Learning Letters

    Published 12/11/20

    Online Learning Letters

    (Updated 05/01/21)

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